If you haven’t figured out yet, Westport is my happy place. I never envisioned a small coastal Connecticut town would take over my life
I didn’t leave Maine until 11, which put my ETA depending on traffic and how much I stop around 330-415. My only mishap was when a turkey almost flew into my car window as I was driving past the Gray exit in Maine. Lucky for me, the turkey flew over my car instead of joining me for this trip. Traffic was light, which made me more excited knowing I was going to arrive on time.

It was 4:00 when I drove by the “Exit 41” sign. I was more than excited to finally made it. My first top… Compo Beach.

Priceline didn’t put me in Norwalk this time, it actually put me in Fairfield at the Circle Inn. I haven’t stayed there before. Usually, I get put in The Doubletree, Extended Stay America or Hotel Zero or the Super 8 in Stamford. It was nice to be in a new area since I had things to do in Fairfield – I will touch base on that in another post. It was time to relax for the night since my day of running around started the next day.

My day started at Jennings Beach in Fairfield. I love this beach. I’m working on Finding Fairfield’s logo for the banner, and feel like I’m coming up empty. I went for a few minutes and photographed and then went on my way to Wilton to see what I can come up with for the banner logo with Finding Wilton. Before going into Wilton I stopped at Compo Beach to say a quick good morning and to see what was going on. Compo seemed quiet since the dogs are not allowed on the beach right now.

After running around in the morning looking for logo ideas, I had to get ready for a meeting I had with Riverside Realty Group. After the meeting with Riverside, I drove by Bank of America and saw the temperature was off again.
I stopped at the Westport Fire Department to meet up with them and of course, thank them for their service.

When I woke up Thursday I knew the day was jammed packed. I had a quick stop at Vanderblue in Fairfield. Then I was off to Westport. I really needed to venture downtown for a few things. One of them was to grab some photos of some available commercial real estate opportunites to put up on Finding Westport. While I was downtown, I stopped in at Savvy and Grace. I won’t mention my purchase until next week, but I am really excited to write about my latest purchase from them!

Then it was off to lunch in Dunville’s in Saugatuck with a business partner.

Dunville’s was going to be my last stop of the day until I saw Studio 360 was next door!
Then it was time for me to run into Starbucks and then get on the road. For most of my Westport friends know, its sad for me to leave, but no worries, I will be back twice this coming week. Wednesday late morning and again next Sunday for the afternoon to check out the Westport Outdoor Market.
This trip was very successful for many reasons, I got to meet some new faces that I talk to weekly (if not daily) via email or social media and catch up with some that I met on previous trips. I also got some new ideas for Finding Westport., and have an idea for Finding Farifield’s banner logo. Until Wednesday Exit 41 when we meet again for a mini adventure.